Monday 2 February 2009


My three and a half year old daughter has a bald spot. Discounting vitamin deficiency (she eats well, a balanced diet, give or take the odd bag of chocolate buttons), I can only assume that it’s a result of her younger sister’s hair pulling antics.

The younger sister (almost two) has pretty much stopped this peskiness, but the hair is not there. We are wondering if it will return.

Today, after washing her hair, I surreptitiously parted her hair on the other side, hoping she wouldn’t notice. She didn’t.

We’re also hoping that her teachers haven’t noticed either.

When your child goes to school, it seems that not only everything your child does is noted, but everything you do comes under scrutiny, too.

Baby number three was born in September. This seemed to correspond with a change in mood at school for our eldest daughter. We, and the teachers, have been communicating via the contact book about this, trying to think of possible causes for this change. At Christmas, I spoke to one of the teachers in person, who suggested that she thought it was due to the arrival of baby number three.

Now, whilst I realise that any change in routine is unsettling to any child, our children being no exception (see above – hair pulling), I find it hard to believe that a small baby, who is clearly doted on by his biggest sister (second child is still having issues, but improving), can be causing all this disruption to her school day. The teacher said that sometimes at school she just seems ‘lost’ and 'doesn’t seem to know what to do with herself'.

I’m inclined to think it has more to do with the fact that she started school after the Easter holidays last year. She’d made some friends – all older (she wasn’t too interested in the children the same age). So when she returned in September, some of these children had moved on. Even though I had explained to her that some children were going on to other schools, she obviously didn’t make the connection. But then why should she? She’s a child. I don’t know if much was made of their leaving at school, but I’m pretty sure she didn’t say goodbye. She couldn’t have. When I asked her where they were, she told me she thought they weren’t at school because they were poorly.

So, really I’m not sure what’s caused all this. Maybe it is her brother’s arrival, maybe it’s the fact that she has experienced loss of some kind for the first time or maybe it’s down to her personality.

It worries me.

I want to find a reason, and I suppose, like any parent, I don’t want the reason to be anything we’ve done, though I have to accept the fact that it could be.


  1. is 3.5 year old pulling on her own hair? a few years ago i started idly 'grooming' my own head, pulling out the hairs that weren't smooth. someone at work caught me at it (i do it all the time, really) and told me his cousin gave herself a bald spot doing it. it's called trichotillomania, apparently. i don't think mine's anxiety related (while my finger-chewing most definitely is), but it can be. whether or not the two things are related, poor lamb - i'm not surprised she's unsettled, starting school late in the year and with friends moving on without saying goodbye. sadly, it's probably a rite of passage; being separated from people is one of the saddest memories of my childhood. it's horrible not being able to protect them from the harshness of everyday life. i guess you just bolster them with a super-loving homelife - which is the bit you can control. xx

  2. No - She's not pulling out her own hair, thankfully. It's definitely down to number two. It has subsided - which we're glad about. I think you're right about providing her with a super-loving homelife. And I think, that maybe we've let her down a little in the last few months - with being so busy with baby and potty training and all. It's all about timing I think. We've been trying to have special time with her on her own, while at the same time trying not to neglect the other two. Ooh - it's an exercise in multi-tasking if ever there was one.
